An article by +Chris Abraham spun off some thoughts on small businesses and social media.

I recently came across a great post and set of stats from Chris Abraham on Google+. The article “True Costs of “Free” Social Media Marketing Costs Make Outsourcing a Viable Option: Social Ally Research Shows That Effective Use Of Social — Including Monitoring, Research and Content Creation — Can Cost Up To $300,000 Per Year” lists research and statistics that I find to be pretty accurate, depending on what size business you have. I have worked in the social media / tech / online media field as a business owner & service provider since 2006 and have worked with $7m – $10m+ companies. Chris’ suggested price ranges are on target.

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The True Cost of Social Media for Businesses | Women of Google+
Women of Google+is a destination to learn, share and explore what it takes to thrive on social networking platforms both personally and professionally.

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