Mobile. Search. Web. Publishing. This is what runs through my veins and gives me the ammo to show that how we present ourselves, our brands, our companies, and our talents online matters. What we say, so, speak, show, and think online all ties together.

Everyone from small businesses to career professionals needs to pay attention to this NOW and stop blowing it off like it will go away or that it is too hard. Every traditional publisher – television, movies, books, newspapers, etc. – needs to adapt or die (some are adapting, some are dying). Advertising and marketing agencies that know how to work their products into each platform in a unique and non-obtrusive way instead of regurgitating the same homogenized crap across everything (some are adapting, some are dying).


Every single line of statistics reaffirms the professional belief and practice that I've been preaching for almost 15 years (that's when I left 'corporate' life).

Reshared post from +Brad Acker

Stats collected by Google from various sources
+ 1.9 billion people go online each day.
+ online users are exposed to average of 30 Google Display Network ads per day.
+ adults spend 18 hours a week online.
+ eBooks are outselling print books.
+ 77% of smartphone users call or visit a business after searching for local info on their phones.
+ 71% of smartphone users search because they saw an ad.
+ 33% of smartphone users use phone while watching TV.
+ 70% of smarphone users use their phone while shopping in store.
+ 53% of smartphone users made a purchase as a result of online mobile search.
+ online video ads attracted 18.3% more viewer attention than TV commercials.
+ 81% of global online users are reached by Google Display Network.
+ we're approaching point where 10% of all consumer spending in U.S. is online.
+ 85% of the U.S. online population has watched a YouTube video.
+ 65% of the U.S. online population watch one video per week.
+ more video is uploaded to YouTube every 60 days than the top 3 broadcasters produced in 60 years.
+ in 2010, total U.S. online ad revenue overtook newspaper print ad revenue for the first time.

Google+: Reshared 5 times
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