I’ve been thinking a lot about that lately, and it’s keeping me from posting. Part of me thinks that what few people read this blog want to hear about exciting things, Second Life, business, a great social life. So when my life in its current form doesn’t reflect those items, I don’t post. I am trying to NOT post so much about my family life, not for keeping it private (I try to censor out any info that can get me into trouble) but for the fear that readers may be bored to tears. My gut tells me I should be posting about my life, but in the grand scheme of life on the ‘interwebs’, who gives a hoot?

I suppose that this blog is an evolution of me and I should just write whatever I feel like. I’ve been blogging since 1996 … someday I’ll link up to the archive.org sites with my old content … and have never worried too much about if anyone was reading my stuff. I just typed for the sake of typing.

With the advent of ‘social media’ touching every aspect of my life (ad nauseam) I have become much more critical of what I say for fear of alienating what little readership I have as a common gal on the ‘net. My goal would be to put a post up a day, but who really wants to read about my days spent in flannel PJ’s and changing diapers? My pre-baby-2.0 life was much more exciting, and maybe I miss that. I sure as hell miss talking to people in person. I’m not the baby playdate type of gal, and it’s coming up on winter, so my options are limited. Reflecting on parenthood and balancing all I do will probably dominate the blog for a bit (sorry). Yeah, this blog, like hundreds of thousands of others like it, will revolve around my life, family, and personal/business interests. Nothing flashy like groundbreaking PR and media discoveries. No cutting edge news, no unique ideas. Just me. And my kids. And what I happen to have done that day.

So to you, gentle reader, I apologize. For the time being this blog will reflect the current state of Lynette – motherhood, the quest for freaking clothes that fit and look good, and maybe, just maybe, someday…include a real social life where I can grab a drink and appy’s with girlfriends or share a date night with my husband.

You blog right? What are your thoughts on what gets put in writing, how often, and how you perceive your readers?