It's no secret that living the life of a self-employed business owner is full of days spent on the beach sipping fruity cocktails with umbrellas in them and working 'whenever.' WHAT! NO! What I meant to say is that being an entrepreneur is much, much harder work than working in a cube farm. While the idea of being on your own time is wonderful, we are still accountable to our clients, our vendors, and ourselves. Find a system. I am currently working out my own processes and systems since my workload and client base has made a drastic uptick in the last year & I never adapted my work-style. After all, there is no way for me to successfully delegate tasks to an assistant if I have no idea how and what needs to be done myself!

Thanks +BlogHer!

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Why You Need Systems and Procedures as an Entrepreneur
So you’ve started your business and your humming along.  You’re thrilled to be free of the restrictions and red tape of working for “The Machine”.  Yet if you truly want to be free, you need systems…

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