Take a good look at all the subtile details in this photo, it is just breathtaking composition (I'm not a photographer, but do have a keen eye for layout and design details). +Superdave Houdini Meralus & +Tim Clary just blow me away – and the photographer +Brian McDonald even moreso.

Reshared post from +Brian McDonald

I think most people that attended the #NYCHIRL knew that they would do a lot of fun stuff that they didn't expect to do, and I would agree, but I definitely wouldn't expect that urban exploration would be on the list of things I did during the HIRL. In the same respect, I didn't think that it would happen so close to HQ.

Early sunday, +Tim Clary, +Superdave Houdini Meralus, and +Al Ebnereza decided to explore the rear fire escape of the HQ, and ended up on the roof of the building. After deciding to explore further, the connected roof of the next-door building revealed an open door to what would be discovered as an abandoned building.

Things lead to things, and I was told upon their return that I should visit where they had been, as +Tim Clary was up to some really cool stuff. As it got dark, and Super Bowl kickoff got closer, we took to the dark route armed with a flashlight and went back to where they had been. When I thought about what the HIRL experience would be like, at no point did I expect to be navigating an old, in-some-areas-busted fire escape to gain roof access to an open and abandoned building. That kind of unexpected journey into an unknown territory was definitely one of the most memorable moments for me.

Tim had some great art on the walls that was done simply with lipstick that was found on the ground, and he continued with more stuff as my creative juices started to flow. I didn't have many options with such little light in the place, but an idea popped into my head that I wanted to capture, and +Superdave Houdini Meralus & +Tim Clary were willing subjects in my venture. We tried to join a hangout while all of it was going on, but saw little success with the unreliable connections we were getting.

By the time we got back, I felt I had captured the feel of being in that abandoned space, and I quickly edited what I captured, and saw that I had something special. Now, every time I look at it, it brings me back to that unexpected and unique experience. There were a few other pictures, but I wanted to share this one the most šŸ™‚

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