I have no idea how this snuck up on me so fast! There was a Christmas song I’d been listening to that says something about saying good-bye to the past year like it was a bad habit or something…kinda feels that way to me now. The past year – two actually – have been beyond crazy for me. Bullet points never do one’s life justice, every item seems of equal importance, when in fact, they aren’t.

  • started podcasting in February 2005
  • got involved again with Second Life, and started a business there
  • decided to go back to ‘corporate’ life (and quit 6 months later – horrible job/idea)
  • got a huge sponsor, one of the first biggies in podcasting I might add, but no one ever made a stink about it at all…
  • started my own company, and have so busy since that I barely have time to sit still
  • finally got to the stinkin’ Podcast Expo in 2006 after missing it the first year
  • decided to go with PodShow
  • got sick, and then sick again – never had so many colds in my LIFE
  • upgraded my equiptment, no small task
  • bought a nice – fake – Christmas tree, first one I’ve ever owned

Next year will move even faster than the past two combined for me, and I’m just a bit nervous about that. Seems my brain can keep up, but the ol’ body keeps getting sick. Relax, take time for myself. These are things everyone says, even if not out loud. This past week I’ve been ripping apart our guest room (a.k.a. the room we never use and throw junk in) and trying to turn it into some sort of sanctuary for me. Sounds totally self-indulgent, I know, and I hate even admitting I *need* this.

All in all my life is not hard, but yet I still crave a space that I can RELAX – CREATE – DESTRESS. Stress is the reason I’m sick all the time, but not all stress is bad stress. But the body still responds to it the same I think. So this ‘relaxing room’ as my five year old has come to call it, I have plans, oh yes… Paint, of course, didn’t take me long to come up with the colors. I’ve got a good part of the furniture, but some slipcovers and pegboard as well as a few organizational items should do the trick. Candles, a magazine basket, lots of books, my crafting supplies, and very soon my recording gear so I can lay down a podcast without dogs barking.

My husband has already asked if he is allowed to use the room – of course he can, but our daughter has asked no such question. As soon as I step foot in there she is on my tail. I can’t say no to her, she is way too cute, but the law is down that not one toy is to enter that room. Another spare bedroom is already covered with her toys, but she still chooses to bring them in the hallway and play right at the threshold of the relaxing room. No peace and quiet for Mommy.