This month kicks off NaPodPoMo – National Podcast Post Month, NaBloPoMo – National Blog Posting Month as well as NaNoWriMo – National Novel Writing Month & GloManWriMo – Global Manifesto Writing Month.  Crazy hua?  It all started with the fiction and novel writers needing a way to break past barriers and just start producing content, but now podcasters and non-fiction writers / bloggers are joining in the fun.

For years I’ve wanted to do the podcasting challenge, but somehow everything just seems to get in the way.  I’m not sure that I can tackle the Global Manifesto writing this month, but podcast and blogging is quite doable.  Technology has improved quite a bit, and now rather than having an expensive audio recording rig for podcasts, I have a $20 USB microphone and a cell phone to do podcasts.  As far as agenda goes, I decided about 10 minutes before producing the podcast that I wanted to do the challenge for the month, so an agenda is on the way.  Most likely it will be current events in my genre of professional life, or quite possibly items from my family life and friends.  The funny thing about me is that there isn’t much distinction between work and personal, hobby and business.  The other great thing about all of the challenges, it’s an exercise in content production and goal setting for *me* and not so much for gaining an audience – but that would be nice!

If you are interested in hearing my podcast a day show, be sure to check out my CinchCast channel: