No plans for me this weekend, only puppy-sitting for our neighbors. The husband is going out Saturday night with a friend, but I’m usually sleeping by 8pm anyway, so even if I could go out, I’d be snoring on the bar. As if you couldn’t tell, I’m BEYOND stircrazy and if I don’t get out of this house and do something ‘adult’ I’m going to lose my mind. No plans for the dreaded Valentines Day either. Oh well.

If I felt the budget could handle it I’d go clothes shopping, but I don’t have anywhere to wear new clothes *to* so what’s the point? Mismatched pajamas seem to work very well for me right now. Besides, clothes shopping has never been my strong point, I’m horribly fickle and cheap. I dream that a reality show will come and rescue me and taking me shopping – on their dime. Where the hell is Stacy London when I need her?

On the mom-front, I did a little research online for local mom groups. I found a few on Hopefully there is one near me that is a fit. I generally don’t do well with stuff like that though. To me ‘rocker mom’ means music not chairs. A play group for a 3 month old is BS, I mean … please, it’s for the mom, not the baby. I don’t do well with mom’s that drive H2’s or have to have their infants & kids in designer duds or $800 strollers, nor do I cope well with church groups – not that I have a problem with it, it’s just not ‘me.’ I’m a tech geek & an unconventional scrapbooker & ‘paper princess’. I’m also an extended breastfeeding mom, which doesn’t sit well with a lot of other moms.

So how does the modern mom find friends in the area that share her interests? My online circles are large, and even include moms (sort of) in my area. They just all seem so busy themselves, and have kids that are older than mine – especially older than my 3 month old. Decades ago, more moms were home with kids, and it seems to me that the culture made it easier to go next door to borrow a cup of sugar and make a new friend. Not like that anymore. Plus, any of the moms on my street that have kids near my kids age are working outside the home.

In a nutshell, I’m really not any better off today than I was yesterday (or any day before that) – but I did manage to jump in the shower. Woot, what a goal to have. Bathe. How sad.

[tags]Stacy London, Moms Club,[/tags]