Cleaning GalI just spent the entire day cleaning my kitchen, laundry room & family room getting ready for a new kitchen floor.  The installers are going to be here from Tuesday through the end of the week.  The house needed to be gutted and cleaned, and this is finally the opportunity and motivation to do it. Ah… deadlines.

For the record, whoever told me pugs don’t shed are lying bastards. My mom and I just sucked up more dog hair from the floor than actually exist on the dogs themselves.  Thank goodness it’s trash pickup today, I threw out about 6 trash bags of garbage.  Oh, and a bonus!  I found two carpet mats in the laundry room – buried under piles of random discarded clothing – that the dogs had peed on that we didn’t know about.  FOUL.

The shame about this project is that my husband and I have been so insanely busy with our business that we weren’t able to utilize last week to do household things that should have been done before the new tile floor goes in.  So, I being a crazy woman, am going to attempt to at least paint my laundry room tomorrow night since the washer and dryer will be moved into the garage.  Tuesday the old floor gets ripped up & appliances moved, so it’s great timing.  Well, except for the fact that we only have one night to get it all done, because Wednesday they put in subflooring, then Thursday/Friday the tile goes in.  Tonight I am rewarding myself with a trip to the movies to see Harry Potter with my husband.

I love my dogs, but when they are gone, there will be no more.  I can’t stand the dog hair anymore!!!